Saving wildlife from poachers in Central Africa.

I have changed the Morgenster Morkel series to include the family of Francis Sievewright Morkel.  One of his sons is Pete Morkel, a vet who is active with wildlife preservation in Central Africa – elephant in Chad and Congo Democratic Republic, Rhino in Angola and giant Sable in Zambia.  Wonderful effort.  See the story and photos in Morgenster Morkel Part 3 (Morkel Ancestors), and the magazine articles under Family Stories.  The exploits of Paul Andries Morkel (Blantyre Fighting Chamber of Commerce and mayor of Middelburg) and Dan Morkel (saving Brockman from the lion) are now in Morgenster Morkels Part 4, and the Rome Morkels are now in Morgenster Morkels Part 5.

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