Correcting Errors in our Book

Corrections to our book MORKEL A Remarkable South African family.

Three major errors.

In spite of efforts to avoid them, errors are bound to occur in a book with a wide scope covering so many family members.  Apart from minor typos, three errors of fact have emerged by November 2015, five months after the book launch.  In a website they can be  corrected but, once published, a book is inflexible.  It has been said, over time a book becomes the new facts, regardless how true they are, and become quoted as such.  I wish there could have been no errors, but given the scope I can be thankful there are so few.

Error 1.  Rugby Springbok Andrew MORKEL

Andrew played for South Africa in 1903 (against the British touring team) and in the famous 1906 tour to the UK, when the term ‘springboks’ were first used.  In the 1906 team he was joined by brothers Sommie and Dougie MORKEL.

The only ‘Andrew’ MORKEL in the Genealogy I had was f4 Andries (Andrew) Brink MORKEL, and his line was entered on p77 in the book.  However, subsequently an entry by his granddaughter in the website ‘’ shows that the springbok Andrew was indeed Daniel Johannes Andries MORKEL  born in 1882 at  Broadlands, Somerset West.

d9 Willem MORKEL b: 03 Jun 1803 d: 27 Dec 1876 Morgenster x Isabella Margaretha ZEEDERBERG

e5 Hendrik Johannes Louw MORKEL b: 28 Sep 1838 Broadlands  x Johanna Mollerstrom VAN BREDA

f12 Daniel Johannes Andries (Andrew, Springbok) MORKEL b: 04 Aug 1882 d: 14 Jun 1965  x Grace DEVINE

Error 2. Bill MORKEL.  Author of ‘Hunting in Africa’ 1980. 

His book ‘Hunting in Africa’ lists him only as  Bill (W.A.) MORKEL, born in Middelburg, Transvaal in 1928.  Using that sparse information, I assumed that he was a descendant of P.A. MORKEL, who was mayor of Middelburg in the late 1890s, and who had a life of adventure in Blantyre, now Malawi.  He is featured in chapter 29 of our book. Wrong.

According to his niece, Arion (Ron) DA SILVA COSTA, he is Willem Aron MORKEL of the Overberg (Varsefontein) Morkels. 

c7 Hercules MORKEL 29.1.1767 – 20.5.1808 (Welgelegen) x Helena MUNNIK ca 1772 – 8.11.1818

d2 Willem MORKEL (Brakfontein) 1795 – 5.7.1851 x Jacoba Elizabeth Arnoldina DREYER ca 1799 – 14 .11.1881

e5  Johannes Augustus Dreyer MORKEL  (Uitkyk) 13.5.1823 x Catharina Cornelia MARAIS 1830 – 15.6.1891

f2  Willem Aron MORKEL (Varsfontein) 23.5.1851 – 17.2.1917 x Helena Catharina ROOS 1.11.1847 – 1.9.191

g8  Paul Johannes Roos MORKEL  3 8.1883 – 19.2.1950 x Charlotte Maria Margaretha VAN DER WESTHUIZEN

h3 Willem Aron MORKEL 2.8.1928 x Maureen MANN 7.10.1930

Error 3. Rodney RHODA — wrong photo. 

The photo on p242 in the book is wrong.  It is of Rodney’s cousin Stanley RHODA instead.  Rodney and his family was graciously amused by the error.

Rodney Tyrone RHODA

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