Category: Morkel 1st 3 Generations

Missing Early Morkels
Missing Early Morkels PDF It was a surprise to discover three unknown Morkels from the well documented first three generations, Willem, Johannes Theodorus and Petrus Johannes MORKEL.

Family History Ch I P W Morkel
Family-History-Ch-I-PW-Morkel.pdf Chapter I from P W Morkel’s 1961 book about the family.

Family crest
Family-crest1.pdf The Morkel crest is 280 years old, going back to stamvader Philip Morkel. In the old Dutch society, middle class families had crests, unlike the British tradition where it was exclusive to aristocracy. Crests were …

The Old Farm
The-Old-Farm2.pdf Onverwacht or Die Bos is the oldest farm handed down from father to son in South Africa. The old house was ‘modernised’ in 1897. While the farm has shrunk with urban sprawl, its very large …

Vlootjesbaai to Strand
Vlootjesbaai-to-Strand.pdf The town of The Strand is built on a Morkel farm originally called Vlooibaai (Fleabay) and then Mostertsbaai Strand.

The Wreck of the Schonenberg
Schonenberg.pdf Stamouer Philip Morkel and his brother Willem hosted 80 crew of the shipwrecked Schonenberg at Onverwacht in 1722. On their return to Holland, one of them composed an epic poem which was printed in 1725, and which …

Die VOC Skip Schoonenberg Deel
Schoonenberg-Malan-1-Finaal-.pdf Dr Jan Malan het die stranding van die Schoonenberg deeglik nagevors en opgeskryf in twee dele. Hier is Deel I soos gepubliseer in die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskryf vir Kultuurgeskiedenis 27(1) Junie 2013. Die naam van …

Then the British Came
Then-the-British-came4.pdf, then left, then returned to stay. The Morkel brothers and their cousins the Myburghs were seen as rebellious and had dragoons stationed with them – an episode worthy of Gilbert and Sullivan. When the …

We need a town and church
We-need-a-town-and-church-pages-pdf.pdf The nearest town, Stellenbosch, was far away and the road atrocious The Morkel brothers, together with neighbour M.W. Theunissen founded the town of Somerset West and the church, displaying remarkable comunity leadership and entrepreneurship, …

Stamvader Philip Morkel
STAMVADER-PHILIP-MORKEL-small-for-Andre-van-Rensburg.pdf I wrote this article for, a genealogy website of family founders at the Cape of Good Hope. It is a good introduction to Philip Morkel who arrived at the Cape from Germany in …

Searching for Philip Morkel In 17th Century Germany
Searching-for-Philip-In-Germany-2-.pdf Philip Morkel at the Cape is fairly well documented but we know almost nothing about his earlier life in Germany. This is an account of our search.

Philip Morkel & Maria Bibou Inventory 1713
philip-morkel-maria-bibou-inventory-1713-1.pdf Na die oorlye van Maria Bibou in 1713 was hierdie boedelinventaris opgetrek. ‘n Interessante kykie in die huishouding van daardie tyd. Die huis en vyf slawe was die hoofbates. The inventory of Philip’s estate …

The Estate of Willem Morkel 1718-1788
The inventory of Willem’s estate shows a man of means. He left seven farms to his four sons. Some of the furniture items mentioned are still at Die Bos.