Year: 2013

We had the wrong Hercules link for the Beaufort West Morkels.
Compiling the family line for the Beaufort West Morkels was quite an achievement. Margaret Thebus and her late mother Margaret Lodewyk were the main drivers with assistance from others, as described in the article under …

Thanks to all who write in via ‘Contact Us’
Every now and then someone writes in via the ‘Contact Us’ facility to point out errors and/or to contribute new information about the family. We all benefit from this – errors are caught and corrected …

You, dear Reader
For years I wondered how much interest there is for our website. Occasionally someone would use the ‘contact us’ facility but how many others were/are there? Recently I became aware that Google Analytics provide amazingly …

Nuwe lig op die Stranding van die Schoonenberg – New Research about the Wreck of the Schoonenberg
Die Liefdekrans, gedruk in 1725 is ‘n dankie sê epiese gedig wat vertel hoe stamvader Philip Morkel meer as 80 skipbreukelinge van die Schoonenberg (in dokumente word dit ook die Schonenberg genoem) gehuisves het. Dit is …

300 Jaar op die plaas. 300 Years on the farm
Ek het groot geword met die wete dat Die Bos die oudste plaas in die land was wat vader na seun in die familie oorgedra was – dus het die Morkel naam behoue gebly. …

The Family Crest
I used to be ambivalent about the Morkel family crest. We do not come from European aristocracy and there are strong indications that it was acquired at the Cape. However, further reading showed a long …

Who was Willem’s mother?
Who was the mother of Willem MORKEL 1803 – 1876, the 9th son of 3rd generation Daniel Johannes MORKEL? According to the Morkel Genealogies, Daniel’s second wife Maria Dorothea LOUW, died in 1801, two years …

Naamgee tradisie vir nege geslagte. Naming tradition sequence continued to the 9th generation.
Daniel Henri MORKEL is op 20 Februarie gebore, die kleinseun van my nefie Daniel Johannes MORKEL. Sy ouers, Henri (Hendrik Wade MORKEL) en Rinke (Catharina Elizabeth PRETORIUS) het die ou familie tradisie voortgesit met die …

Why the Dovecote?
The dovecote at Die Bos is a Morkel family icon. It was likely a copy of a similar one at Meerlust, with the same configuration of a center dovecote flanked by a side court on …